Saturday, January 10, 2009

This post was suggested by:

What we need is a Director with special management skills to change the way things have been at FRO, a Director who’s got balls and would spend sometimes moving between floors and paying surprise visits to staff to see what really is going on instead of relying on phony reports or closing eyes on the shit that’s getting worse everyday. We need a Director who cares about the well being of his staff by listening to them and addressing their issues.

The current Director never leaves her office except to go to meetings or maybe to the washroom. She is one of the most arrogant individuals in the government. Try to talk to her or bring an issue to her attention and you’ll see what I’m talking about. She knows that most agents dislike her for that attitude.
She hasn’t done anything to improve the working environment for the frontline agents. In fact she’s made their lives miserable by siding with managers. She ignores (because she’s ignorant) that the best way to improve the public service is to first improve the working environment of those who serve i.e. frontline agents.

When she came to FRO a few years ago, she thought that by befriending service managers, she would have an easy life until she retires. Well, this might be true, but only for a short time because many frontline staff are among the best in the OPS and some may even qualify for higher positions than hers.

Everyone on the 6th floor remembers how she became friend with Josephine, a manager who was promoted thru corruption and bribery. The Director received free coffee every single day from her and I’m sure behind close doors, you can imagine what happened until she promoted her to a permanent job.

What the Director needs to do is pack and leave, the same way finance Director did a few months ago when he was faced with lots of criticism. Of course there is no similarity between the two. In fact, finance Director left FRO after having done the best he could to clear the mess he was left with.

Shit happens at FRO because the Director allows this shit to happen.


  1. Let's start an online petition and send it to Queen's Park.
    We'll simply ask for a Director with the right background to run the CSB.

    As to Josephine, I think she belongs to the mob.

  2. I'm not sure if people remember this, but a few years ago when Josephine was still a CSA/ESO she was on the Christmas committee (2002 I believe) and apparently she had a friend who ran a flower shop or a nursery or something like that and she had the "inside scoop" to get beautiful big poinsettas for the table centrepieces for the banquet hall. She also used her "pull" to sell poinsettas to the staff and we saw these big, beautiful poinsettas that people were getting and thought that the ones on the tables would be beautiful. Guess what happened - the poinsettas on the tables were small and ugly - you know what tomato plants look like when you buy them for the garden? Basically she sold the beautiful ones to the staff for her own profit and then the ones that she promised for the banquet hall were the small, spindly ones left over. We were mortified. Isn't running a sales scheme for profit in a government office a conflict of interest?

  3. Josephine you got cut!

  4. On the 6th floor: why does the same female employee go to the same female manager's office every day and spends 45 mins to 1 hour in there and then they both go out for a smoke for another half hour. Why doesn't the male manager of that female employee notice this? Why doesn't senior management notice this? When the team (belonging to that female manager) needs her assistance with work-related issues, she is not available to answer because she is busy chatting with her personal buddy from the other team. Please senior management, open your eyes and stop this from happening. It is not fair for staff to witness this. How can you expect staff to respect managers like this? What message is being sent - "Do what I say and not what I do." Lead by example, female manager and you will get more respect from your team.

  5. I like the idea of a petition. I guess printed is better than online. I'm sure Lois will be the first to sign it.

    Here's my message to the director:

    Nancy, you know you're not made for this type of jobs. This is too challenging for you, so please don't let yourself be more humiliated than this. Find yourself a different place. We'll collect money for your goodbye party and buy you a nice gift (and free coffee, too)

  6. I think Josephine used to spit in the coffee before she gave it to Nancy.

  7. And somebody is beating you up so bad that made you type crap?

  8. Please! time to close this site Mr Moderator, it is beyond pathetic

  9. I think that Josephine is capable to even shit in the coffee and hand it to Nancy with a smile.

    I'm still waiting for this petition to come up. Quite a few colleagues are actually excited about it. I think we have the right to ask for a new Director capable of making things work properly. Less meetings, more action and more respect for the agents who do the actual job.

    Mr or Ms Moderator, Please DO NOT close this Blog. Thank you!

  10. If you're expecting to read something disgusting then this comment will be a huge disappointment. This blog is absolutely pathetic and this to will be my last time reading it.

    Our Director has been described in many ways over the past couple of weeks and I have yet to read an accurate comment. I have yet to read the truth, words such as hardworking, trustworthy, fair, committed to FRO, sharp, extremely competent, good natured, dedicated, polite and witty are just to name a few. She believes in FRO and our staff. She recently promoted two of my colleaugues to manager trainees - she didn't have to run this internal competition. She could have went outside of FRO, but she didn't, she chose to give internal staff an opportunity. She works very hard and keeps longer hours than anyone at FRO. The reason we don't see her walking around and talking to everyone is because she is busy working.

    Mr. or Mrs. Moderator, close this useless pathetic blog. You will only be disappointing a handful of people. And enough already about this petition. It won't work because an actual name and signature is required on a petition - "anonymous" or "coward" doesn't cut it.

  11. Most of us hold our Director in high regard-expect for the perturbed individuals running this blog- and a petition signed by a hand full of “anonymous” may be not the best idea for cowards that hide behind the computer screen and would never have the courage to show their face and discuss their concerns face to face in a civilized manner.
    All these pathetic comments come from a hand full of frustrated losers that have to blame their ineptitude on management. My colleagues visited this blog after the memo came out and absolutely all of them found it pathetic, immature and irresponsible and I totally agree… I’m outta here

  12. ", extremely competent, good natured, dedicated, polite and witty are just to name a few."

    Man! You must be talking about Snow White. We don't have that at FRO.

  13. You may find this blog pathetic, but it is democratic and fair because unlike FRO’s “My way or the highway”, everyone here, including management staff voices his/her opinion without censorship. The Moderators have decided to delete a few comments, apparently from some angry managers (We still have copies and may repost them) because they were extremely aggressive and call for hatred.

    People don’t post their real names in any blog at all. That is not because they are coward as you managers and management supporters call them. It is just not the way it works.
    So when you call others “… cowards that hide behind the computer screen” you must understand that the term applies to you as well because you do the same thing.

    “… and would never have the courage to show their face and discuss their concerns face to face in a civilized manner.” !
    Only a fool would believe that there is management civility at FRO that accepts agents concerns and address them. As mentioned before, those who have resorted to management to solve their concerns ended up being the trouble makers, and you mangers are good at making up stories to incriminate defenceless agents.
    Moreover, why should one approach a manager to discuss a private or personal issue when we know that the same issue will be discussed and laughed at between managers and their girl friends within the same team?

    The truth behind FRO management anger at this blog is that they can’t do anything about it. Times are changing and managers must get into this new reality.

    As to the Petition to demand a new director, we are working on it and we are consulting with some experts. We will advise of the proper way to initiate one without any risk of submitting names.

    This blog was created to serve frontline agents.

    This blog will remain open.

  14. What a great idea! We can all sign the petition using cartoon nicknames!! I am sure it will be taken very seriously.

    Get busy please

  15. What you dont know is that we are more in numbers than managers and their pets, willing to make change in our workplace for the better
    We want changes at FRO, good substancial changes that show real professionals at work,
    And by the way, we welcome the new GIC's to read and participate. how many calls you have to take ? wow!

  16. Mr Moderator: After consulting the “experts” could you please get a life and get some anti-pathetic pills?

    Oh my! This blog is worse that I though.

  17. Petition first draft:

    We want all managers and executives out because they attend too many meetings

    Signed by:
    HelloKitty, Homer Simpson and Joe the plumber (names modified as per our “experts” advise)

  18. By the way Josephine's niece is Louisa.
    Josephine has a lot of friends/family working at FRO. The person that spends over 1 hour in her office everyday is a good friend of hers and so is her sister.

  19. Let me understand what the discussion here is all about:

    •Somebody’s irresistible charms
    •Somebody’s spiting habits in coffee
    •Somebody’s limited washroom usage
    •Somebody heavy foot

    Very interesting!!! Kudos to you Mr. Moderator!

  20. You FRO managers should be prosecuted and thrown in jail for making FRO stinks like a cesspool. Tell me what you've done to promote a professional working environment. printing out agents' stats? You can't even call a client to resolve a problem. Whenever you receive an escalated call, you become like dogs asking case owners to call the clients back. Why should case owners call the client back if the client wants to speak with you? Do you have a brain at all?

    Get some work done and let us discuss our concerns in our blog. By the way I find this blog the best thing that has ever happened to counter your ongoing shit.

  21. Anonymous Jan 20 re Petition First Draft:

    Your comment, manager, shows how childish you are. I would really take this seriously if I were you.
    Were you drinking when you wrote your comment or just having fun with one of FRO females you've promoted?

    You have no personality.

  22. **** PETITION UPDATE ****

    A decision has been made on the petition. We'll keep you posted in the next few days.

    Thank you all for your emails and input. Those who supported the idea but showed concerns about the identity, we respect your concerns and we appreciate your support.

    Thank you TT for your expert advice.

    This is all about improving our work environment to serve better our clients.

    FROntline Moderators

  23. TFT, Calling clients back has always been an issue for most managers. They'd rather die than call a client back. So what do they do? They simply send an intimidating message to case owner to call the clients and let them know. Shame! You make tons of money and have all the time available, so make the call and contribute in solving some problems. Stop downloading your work on case owners. You stink!

  24. Any times I receive a manager request to handle the call that she's supposed to make, I call her bitch and other names because I hate doing her job while she is out shopping with her other friend mangers.

    My manager stinks big time, but I guess most of them do!

  25. This morning, while the waiting time was just fine, 3 to 6 minutes, this manager from the 4th floor sent an email asking everyone to get on the phone because apparently some agents were late because of bad weather. I don't think he had to ask for any phone help as long as waiting time was great. This is the kind of pressure agents don't like. I wasn't scheduled to be on the phone this morning, so I went around to see what this manager was doing after he sent the email. No surprise! He was having fun!
    So, first don't send stupid emails when you don't have to. Second, you can't ask people for extra help while you chat and laugh.

  26. What's new? Asking for phone help has become ridiculous. FRO must find a better way to reduce the incoming calls. A very good way to solve this problem is to be open to frontline agents' input. We have advised different managements on ways to improve the service and reduce incoming calls but nobody seemed to really want to solve the problem. I heard they don't have the political courage to make decisions. So they keep inventing things like GIC or CSU, which are nothing but waste of money.

    Talking about waste of money, which is also part of FRO culture, I was on this CS training today and I found it so useless. How much did they pay to these consultants?

    Agents need technical training on the policy and procedures provided by the internal knowledgeable staff.

    Agents must be given the opportunities to get involved in decisions regarding service improvements. History shows that managers are incapable of handling issues on their own. They are so far from what's really happening in the interface agents/clients. That's why, as some have pointed out, they cannot handle escalated calls.

    Managers need to change their attitudes towards agents and the service as a whole. Why is it so hard for them to listen to us?

  27. So to think the waste of money on this so called projects is horrendous and waste of taxpayers monies. We've had many other projects that ended up in lawsuits and how much went to waste? I can just imagine



    The current President is from MTO and her Leadership has proven disastrous to FRO staff to say it politely



    1) A leader who understands and is sensitive and responsive to FRO issues/challenges it faces

    2) A leader who understands the need for open an open and transparent local which includes accountability

    3) A leader who will and fearlessly advocate and champion you concerns/grienvance.

    4) A leader who will put the worker “FIRST” !!!

  29. To Andy.

    We reviewed your postings with regards to a Jan 22 comment by “Disappointed”. 4 moderators went thru all the postings to investigate your concern. We found the following:

    1."Disappointed” probably meant to state “Mandy" rather than “Andy" as there was no “Andy” posting prior to Jan 22.

    2.No Moderator has ever made any reference to you or to any agent of FRO. All comments have been posted by other users and reflect their opinions only.

    Now, whether you have an issue with “Disappointed” or with the moderators, and given the senior positions with the Union and other committees, which you stated, your comment was really disappointing. You could have made your point without being too insulting to anybody.

    We will do you a favor by not posting your comment.

    Thank you.

  30. This is to the new acting manager Persaud:

    You over-monitor phone shifts and you call agents when they are only 1(ONE) minute over on their VDT. Are you now doing managers’ dirty job? Stop your shit and don’t let yourself being called names as well. I understand you’ve told to do so, but you must also use your brain. Who is your mentor? Suzie Ardito or Josephine Micelli?

    Remember that frontline agents don’t appreciate these stupid calls and useless monitoring while they do the job the best they can to serve clients.

    Your experience as an ESO did not teach you that we don’t do telemarketing. We deal with human issues. So don’t be the Director’s good slave. Use your brain.

  31. I was really happy for Persaud when she was promoted to her new position of acting manager, but yes, I agree that she's on her way to be a new Suzie or Micelli.
    I hope Queen Nancy gives her a break and lets her be creative. She could do better than the old bunch of those loser managers.

  32. Persaud will soon understand that the only way to get her freedom of action is to be a "good friend" of Nancy.

    Moderators! What's up with the petition?

  33. Notes:

    1. The petition has been submitted in a different form as per discussion with many of you, so agents’ identities will remain protected. FRO managers are among the worst beasts in the OPS and would not hesitate, with little help from the good old Nancy, to cause trouble to employees who only seek a better working environment for the general interest of everyone.

    2. Congrats to those who were elected for different Union positions in our Local. Although our Local has not been too supportive when employees needed help, we hope things will change this time.

    3. A recent email from the new Intake manager announced that she’s apparently the new lead for the FRO fundraising committee. Here is a reminders for her, so she knows where she should stand:

    All the other managers who happen to lead the said committee have always been crooks. They spent their time having fun with these “open-minded” female volunteers. They spend hours in offices and outside, planning or counting proceeds. We knew of course what they were planning, especially when some got hired for higher positions and others still ride in managers’ cars.

    We hope to see a different attitude in your management of the FRO fundraising committee.

  34. OMG...What a poisoned work environment.
