Sunday, March 15, 2009

Your Qs and Our As

Here is a synthesis of some of your emailed questions addressed to the blog moderators :

1. Can Intake dept contribute to the blog?

Absolutely. Remember that the Intake dept is still an unknown area to many at FRO. Keep us posted.

All other depts are welcome as well. At the end of the day, we all represent the same programme.

2. What's up with the petition?

The petition was in fact sent to Shelley Jamieson, the head of the OPS, in the form of a letter. The complaint was against Nancy Liston because she hasn’t done anything to address the ongoing complaints of the frontline agents against management and she also lets many get away with illegal acts and behaviors. She is paid to do her job but if she can't, then someone else must step in. The Status Quo is not an option.

We will eventually post a copy of the entire letter.

3. I have some 15 pages and attachments to post. It's about a nasty case at FRO.

No problem! Make sure no clients’ names or case #s are visible. We won’t edit your posting. It’s either approved as is, or rejected. It will only be rejected if it contains F language or breaches the privacy of FRO clients.

We might have to scan (some of ) your documents which could take a bit of time.

4. Why do you pick on specific managers?

We don't pick on anyone. Posts are received about specific managers. There are specific managers at FRO who come to work to satisfy their perversions or flex their muscles. They care less about clients or teams. Others are proven excellent managers. Most people at FRO can make the difference between the 2 categories.
Anyways, we post what we receive and the restrictions are very limited i.e. Clients' privacy and adequate language.

If you have a problem with this manager on the 4th floor because he dates one of his team members, then just send us your story.

We hope that managers, who are specifically mentioned in this blog, must have the courage to talk to their teams about it and apologize for breaking the law.

5. Why does it take time for you to post our emails?

One of the Moderators is away. The other has a busy schedule. She moderates 2 other forums in the States. We receive a considerable amount of trashy messages as well - again from managers and their cheerleaders - So it does require a bit of time for posting. But we're not as bad as the ridiculous timeframes at FRO!

6. Can you publish pictures?


7. Are you going to let this blog go?

A repetitive answer to a repetitive question: Nope!

We still believe that FROntline blog is the best and most secure way for free speech at FRO.
You want a proof? Try submitting a complaint to FRO senior management or try bringing an issue to one of its ludicrous committees! You will either be ignored or flagged.

Thank you for all your questions.
FROntline moderators.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

ESRs are Underclassified.

Last year, many ESRs signed up for a request to have FRO management review their classification. We have not heard from managers since then. I understand that managers may not be able to change things but at least they should get back to their teams and advise of the outcome.
For the job we do and the abuse we get, I think we, ERSs, are underclassified and deserve some recognition.