Sunday, March 15, 2009

Your Qs and Our As

Here is a synthesis of some of your emailed questions addressed to the blog moderators :

1. Can Intake dept contribute to the blog?

Absolutely. Remember that the Intake dept is still an unknown area to many at FRO. Keep us posted.

All other depts are welcome as well. At the end of the day, we all represent the same programme.

2. What's up with the petition?

The petition was in fact sent to Shelley Jamieson, the head of the OPS, in the form of a letter. The complaint was against Nancy Liston because she hasn’t done anything to address the ongoing complaints of the frontline agents against management and she also lets many get away with illegal acts and behaviors. She is paid to do her job but if she can't, then someone else must step in. The Status Quo is not an option.

We will eventually post a copy of the entire letter.

3. I have some 15 pages and attachments to post. It's about a nasty case at FRO.

No problem! Make sure no clients’ names or case #s are visible. We won’t edit your posting. It’s either approved as is, or rejected. It will only be rejected if it contains F language or breaches the privacy of FRO clients.

We might have to scan (some of ) your documents which could take a bit of time.

4. Why do you pick on specific managers?

We don't pick on anyone. Posts are received about specific managers. There are specific managers at FRO who come to work to satisfy their perversions or flex their muscles. They care less about clients or teams. Others are proven excellent managers. Most people at FRO can make the difference between the 2 categories.
Anyways, we post what we receive and the restrictions are very limited i.e. Clients' privacy and adequate language.

If you have a problem with this manager on the 4th floor because he dates one of his team members, then just send us your story.

We hope that managers, who are specifically mentioned in this blog, must have the courage to talk to their teams about it and apologize for breaking the law.

5. Why does it take time for you to post our emails?

One of the Moderators is away. The other has a busy schedule. She moderates 2 other forums in the States. We receive a considerable amount of trashy messages as well - again from managers and their cheerleaders - So it does require a bit of time for posting. But we're not as bad as the ridiculous timeframes at FRO!

6. Can you publish pictures?


7. Are you going to let this blog go?

A repetitive answer to a repetitive question: Nope!

We still believe that FROntline blog is the best and most secure way for free speech at FRO.
You want a proof? Try submitting a complaint to FRO senior management or try bringing an issue to one of its ludicrous committees! You will either be ignored or flagged.

Thank you for all your questions.
FROntline moderators.


  1. FRO senior management should investigate why a certain female manager continues to get rid of her administrative staff for no reason at all. She seems to have problems relating to "different shades of gray".
    This is a "Big, Fat Greek Mystery that should be truly looked into and fast before this request goes higher.

  2. Managers do what they do because they can do it. I understand FRO senior management is totally absent, but we should keep reporting misconducts and law violations until someone steps in and acts.
    Tell us who is this female manager?

  3. To the 4 Stars Army General Christine Ridge:

    Did you really have to send such a rude message to the whole FRO building on a Friday afternoon? What for? A missing stupid plastic bin?
    Is it so difficult for you to find a better approach to sol?
    You need to take some courses on interpersonal/communication skills.

    Here’s a copy of your stupid email for the record.

    Whoever came by this morning to the 5th floor Print/Mail Room and took the black plastic bin (12” by 12”) with a yellow sticker on it, please return it immediately. It does not belong to you and is for use by Intake DocPro staff only.

    If you need a bin, please see your Manager.
    Christine Ridge
    Manager, Enforcement Services

  4. Lack of skills is serious at FRO, but remember that many managers were hired regardless of skills or qualifications. Look how Josephine Miceli, Suzy Ardito and others behave. And it’s amazing how the new acting manager Kathie Persaud is just like them. They all behave exactly the same way as Christine Ridge.

    This manager at the Ministry of Education used to be just as rude. He said something nasty to a rep who was serving clients at the counter. The rep couldn’t take it anymore and started calling that manager all kinds of names in front of the clients. They actually had to call security to call him down.

    FRO non management staff is under remarkable pressure from clients and related issues. Managers should be more polite when they approach their staff.

    In a better world, Christine Ridge must be called by her Director and discuss performance issue. The email is not just stupid. It’s degrading to staff.


  6. A rude email? WHat's the big deal. That's common.

  7. A manager on the 4th floor dating his staff on the same floor! Mmmm! Was he authorized by the manager on the 7th floor who dates staff from all floors?

    Seriously, despite what’s been said in this blog and behind the backs at FRO, we still have some excellent managers.
    Annmarie is an excellent choice for acting manager and I’m sure she’ll make her way up just fine. Her communication approach with staff, especially by emails is excellent. She’s never aggressive when she asks for staff help with the phone. Others sound like they’re giving orders.
    Not sure why Christine had to alert the whole complex about a trash bin!

  8. Since we are talking about good managers, I have to say that Robert is a great manager. He is polite, helpful and attentive when you are speaking to him. He is a family man and is very devoted to his family. I am really thankful for the positive experience of working with such a good manager.

  9. The global recession is here and is hitting the Civil Service. This week’s email from Shelley could be the answer to this endless mumbo jumbo at FRO. The government’s job reduction plan should target a good % of FRO useless employees, especially those who run other jobs from their cozy offices.

  10. Greed is what makes some manage their second jobs from the cozy offices of the government. They already have excellent paying jobs but they still want more. It’s just not fair that this happens while thousands of Ontarians are unemployed and the depression is getting real bad. But you guys know what? I don’t believe anything will happen to them. It has always been like this.

  11. Your manager is a polite, helpful and attentive!!! …and what? a devoted man ??? !!!!!!!. Oooh my!!! What you talking about pal? I’m sure these guys who run the blog posted your comment just to make people laugh.

    I don’t think things will always be the same at FRO. Someday we’ll have a real government who got enough nerve to hunt down those who abuse the system and make them pay for all the wrongdoings which sure did affect the productivity and reputation of our Office. The government must have a different way to job performance evaluation for managers. For now they benefit from our stats. When the poor agent works hard, the benefits goes directly into the manager’s own record, be it the number of actions taken or calls handled.

  12. Managers at FRO should be cut and the government would save a lot of money. They mosey around, laughing it up, going out doing their own personal business, are gone hours at a time, showing houses and arranging mortgages. Why are they always on their cell phones, not talking FRO business. Who are their cleints? Who is looking out the window when managers go out and don't come back in time. They don't even approve your WIN attendance in a timely manner. They have the nerve to send you a reminder to ensure that you submit on time however they let months lapse before they approve it. They take 3 to 4 months before they approve your section 8 requests. Hmmm, what keeps them so busy that they can't keep up with the day to day requests from their staff who are expected to keep up with their daily loads. If FRO is supposed to reflect Southwest Airlines, stop meddling when staff are talking amongst themselves. This is part of the freedom that staff need to express themselves. We don't want a manager to always interrupt and say, what's going on? It is none of your business, you can go and speak to your colleagues and leave us alone to discuss our mutual concerns.

    One day FRO will be the employer of choice, for real, when it's cleaned up.

  13. Since we were asked to join in congratulating the new ESRs, I want to congratulate my colleague Gretta for a well deserved job. My colleague Gretta new assignment proves that being part of the fund raising committee and the fine people of FRO opens new horizons.
    Congrats and keep up the good job!
    This is just the beginning.

  14. Disgusting!! what else did she have to do to get the position, since she's in Robert's team?? next time you see her ask yourself that question

  15. Hey Osy manager! Were you the competition lead? Well…we need some explanation here. Don’t you think?

  16. I just wanna to nominate this blog for the BRAVO Recognition Program for its accomplishment. Not that I agree with everything that’s published but because of the idea itself. It’s brilliant to be able to say what you think about your workplace without being prosecuted by your manager. I just find this so cool.

  17. Why is this Josie not getting it? Agents on the phone make fun of her sick emails. After 2 weeks long of busy phone shifts, we finally had a pretty easy Friday with quasi no phone calls for a few hours. Some agents sometimes inadvertently let the ACW go for a few seconds or minutes more the stupid killing policy. Why not? If there were no calls anyways. Well the old Josie still had to make Friday a more stressful day only to show that she’s doing a great job monitoring how everyone breaths. She sent an email asking agents not to be in prolonged ACW. Well how about her prolonged sleep and nonsense talk with her friends in the office? Why can’t she leave people alone if everything was going just fine? There were 0 calls when she sent her stupid email. If she really had to send her nasty email, then why doesn’t she send it to those who were on ACW for “prolonged time”. I mean, why should I receive her shit when I wasn’t even on the phone shift?
    Josie needs to sit with Denise and learn how to manage the phones, although I don’t think Denise will ever accept such an assignment. How would she teach someone who will never learn?
    But seriously, Denise is very good at managing the phones. She's the best. She ensures the shifts are covered. She is very proactive and she even takes some off the phone when it is very slow, which I find very productive because why should agents be there looking at the screen for a whole hour without any incoming call and without being able to work on their user logs?
    Shame on you Josie. Leave us alone. We know how to do our jobs without your stupid emails.

  18. "But, seriously, Denise is very good at managing the phones"! This couldn't be further from the truth, Denise, did you write this yourself?!
    Denise Karki is out having cigarettes for most of the day and if she's not doing that, she's at Peter's Restaurant for hours with her 2 buddies having lunch.
    The previous comment about her giving ESO's and ESR's the opportunity to go off their scheduled phone shifts demonstrates how unfairly she treats the front-line staff because, guess what, it is always the same ESO's and ESR's she calls to say "You don't have to do your phone shift", because they are smoking buddies.
    Denise doesn't promote equality and fairness in the workplace, quite the contrary, she is a bully to staff she does not like. Denise Karki, a good manager, what a complete farce! If you would have said, Denise, what an incompetent manager, then you would be on the right track.
